Courageous Paths to Flourishing is scheduled for Saturday 1st October. Tickets are available for free, so please register for yours! We would so love to have you in the room with us!
We’ve curated an excellent programme and we are proud to be co-hosting the event with Andi Sciacca and Sukhraj Gill from The Aurelius Foundation. Our conference message is “Let’s Be Courageous Together” and we’re hoping to promote the importance of our social bonds throughout the conference.
So grateful to Chris Gill for agreeing to open the conference for us with an address that will begin by defining Stoic courage. Next, Brittany Polat will talk with Karen Duffy about courageous role models, and Nancy Sherman’s Keynote Address will explore “courage as not just facing fear.”
Our vision is always to create an experience that is grounded in solid theory but is mostly practical. Thus, Sharon Lebell and Tim LeBon will lead a group of Stoic mentors and coaches in a coaching panel and breakout workshops.
Lastly, Melinda Latour from Tufts University will talk about courage and her research on Stoicism and music. PLUS! We have Nathan Dufour who created that fun and comprehensive Be A Stoic rap invited for some Stoic entertainment. And more!