Chris Gill
Chris Gill is Emeritus Professor of Ancient Thought at the University of Exeter. He has written extensively on ancient philosophy. His books which focus on Stoicism include The Structured Self in Hellenistic and Roman Thought, Naturalistic Psychology in Galen & Stoicism, and Marcus Aurelius, Meditations Books 1-6.
He has also edited the Oxford World’s Classics translations of Epictetus and Marcus.

Gabriele Galluzzo
Gabriele Galluzzo is a Lecturer in Ancient Philosophy at the University of Exeter. His main areas of research are Aristotle’s metaphysics and its medieval reception, but he is equally interested in how ancient philosophy has come to shape contemporary thought and ideas.
His books include: The Medieval Reception of Arisototle’s Metaphysics, Book Zeta and Universals in Ancient Philosophy. Read more about Gabriele’s work here.

Tim LeBon
Tim LeBon is a BABCP accredited CBT psychotherapist and UKCP registered existential therapist, He is also an APPA and SPP registered philosophical counsellor and is also trained as a life coach and integrative counsellor. He works in the NHS as a CBT therapist and in private practice in London as a psychotherapist & counsellor. He is a past Chair of the Society for Philosophy in Practice (SPP) and was the founding editor of Practical Philosophy. He is the author of Wise Therapy (Sage, 2001) and Achieve your Potential with Positive Psychology (Hodder Teach Yourself Books, 2014). You can read more about Tim’s work on his blog, Socrates Satisfied, and his website.

Gregory Lopez
is a practicing secular Buddhist and Stoic, founder and facilitator of the New York City Stoics meetup, co-host of Stoic Camp New York, Director of Membership for the Stoic Fellowship, and co-organizer of STOICON 2016. He also runs a nonprofit that uses cognitive behavioral therapy, which is what led to his interest in Stoicism. His professional and academic background is in pharmacy and basic science.
His other interests include psychology, statistics, philosophy, and swing dancing.

Massimo Pigliucci
Massimo Pigliucci is the K.D. Irani Professor of Philosophy at the City College of New York. He has a background in evolutionary biology and philosophy of science, and has published over 150 scholarly papers. He is the author or editor of 11 books, including Nonsense on Stilts: How To Tell Science from Bunk, Answers for Aristotle: How Science and Philosophy Can Lead Us to a More Meaningful Life, and How to Be a Stoic: Using ancient Philosophy to Live a Modern Life. He blogs about general philosophy at platofootnote.org and about Stoicism at howtobeastoic.org.

Donald Robertson
Donald Robertson is a cognitive-behavioural psychotherapist, trainer, and author who specialises in the treatment of anxiety and the use of CBT and clinical hypnotherapy.
He is the author of many articles on philosophy and psychotherapy in professional journals. Two of his more recent books include Teach Yourself Stoicism and the art of Happiness (2013) & Build your Resilience (2012). Read more about Donald’s work on his blog, The Philosophy of CBT.

Greg Sadler
was the editor of Stoicism Today from 2016 to 2022. After a traditional academic career of teaching, research, faculty development, and institutional leadership, he founded the company ReasonIO, started a popular philosophy YouTube channel, and began working with clients as an APPA-certified philosophical counselor. He is the author of Reason Fulfilled By Revelation, and is engaged in several book projects. His work also includes public speaking, philosophy tutorials, ethics consulting, and academic coaching.

John Sellars
John Sellars is Reader in Philosophy at Royal Holloway, University of London. He works on ancient philosophy and its later influence, focusing on Stoicism. He has written multiple books dealing with Stoicism – The Art of Living (2003), Stoicism (2006), Hellenistic Philosophy (2018), and Lessons in Stoicism / The Pocket Stoic (2019), the last of which has been translated into a dozen languages. He also edited The Routledge Handbook of the Stoic Tradition (2016). You can find further information at his website.

Piotr Stankiewicz
My journey with the Stoics began in 2006 when I first realized that Stoicism is the platform I may use to put my life on track. Over time it turned out that many folks out there are interested in my Stoic adventures. Hence a number of books followed, first in my native Polish then in English (see here). At the end of the day the best way to strengthen one’s Stoicism is to discuss it with others — so here I am. Somewhere on that path it dawned on me that the ideas I develop and preach differ quite a bit from the hardline, orthodox Stoicism. I embraced that notion and thus the concept of reformed Stoicism originated. Besides Stoicism I write books on other topics and I keep testing yet new waters.

Eve Riches
Eve Riches is a Stoicism based mentor and coach. She also works as an Employment Consultant with companies and individuals to support disabled employees at work. She recently ran a long-term online Stoicism group as part of a research project with Modern Stoicism, and is running Stoic Week in 2021 with Tim LeBon. Eve is the co-founder of Stoicare, a project to support people in caring professions. She is an advisor to the Aurelius Foundation and also runs London Stoics. Eve is registered blind / severely sight impaired and credits Stoic teaching with being able to live well with disability.

Brittany Polat
Brittany Polat is a writer and researcher on Stoicism as a way of life. She is the creator of Living in Agreement, a website on Stoic moral psychology, and co-creator of Stoicare, an online hub for teachers, parents, medical professionals, and all Stoics who care. In 2021 she was co-organizer of the historic first conference on women and Stoicism. Brittany holds a Ph.D. in applied linguistics with a focus on individual differences in second language development. Her latest book is Tranquility Parenting: A Guide to Staying Calm, Mindful, and Engaged.

A natural community builder, Phil Yanov is on a mission to bring the ancient wisdom of Stoicism into the 21st century. As the creator and host of Conversations with Modern Stoicism, he orchestrates a global gathering of hundreds of Stoic practitioners, inviting them to learn from renowned experts and engage in collective practice.
He is also the technical co-host of the online Stoicon events, and was co-host of the 2023 North American Stoic Summit held in Tampa, FL.

Andi Sciacca
Andi Sciacca is based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where she is an Associate Professor II of Writing + Humanities at The Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD). She is also engaged in several nonprofit leadership roles – which provide consistent opportunities to practice Stoicism in her work.
Andi finds exceptional value in Stoic practice – including the ways in which it has helped her understand the pursuit of a good life and the willingness to accept what that life brings.

Harald Kavli
Hello! Many of you got introduced to me in a post just a little while ago. I am currently trying to finish my master’s thesis, in which I try to answer whether virtue is sufficient for happiness. My main interest in Stoicism is probably ethics, but I am also getting more and more interested in their logic. I have also studied Ancient Greek and my long-term goal is to translate Epictetus’ Discourses at some point.

Kathryn Koromilas
Kathryn Koromilas is a writer, educator, and a writing and book coach who once lived in Preveza not far from ancient Nikopolis where Epictetus founded his philosophy school. She is the founder of The Stoic Salon, an online community dedicated to reading and writing with the Stoics and the home of journaling activities including ‘Meditations on Meditations,’ ‘Summer with Seneca,’ and ’28 Days of Joyful Death Writing.’ She hosts the occasional Stoic Salon Podcast and is an organiser of the annual Stoicon Women: Paths to Flourishing. Kathryn holds a Master of Philosophy in Creative Writing and is currently undertaking an MSc in Creative Writing for Therapeutic Purposes.

Judith Stove
Judith Stove joins the Modern Stoicism team in 2023 as Assistant Editor, Stoicism Today. A writer based in Sydney, Australia, she cohosts the ‘Soul Searching With Seneca’ fortnightly podcast at The Walled Garden (TWG) on Seneca’s Moral Letters to Lucilius, exploring both their philosophical ideas and Seneca’s sublime use of Latin. Judith’s blog at TWG, ‘Roots of the Garden,’ presents short posts about classic texts of the Western tradition, starting with Plato’s Meno and Theaetetus. Judith has published two books on the life and works of Jane Austen. She can be reached at Judith.stove@gmail.com, and selections of her published essays can be found here and here.
Emeritus Modern Stoicism Team Members
Each of these members took part in the early development of the Stoicism today project, and contributed invaluable expertise, time, and labor to furthering and building Modern Stoicism. A debt of gratitude is owed each of them for their service.
William B. Irvine
William B. Irvine is professor of philosophy at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, and the author of A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy and A Slap in the Face: Why Insults Hurt And Why They Shouldn’t. For more on his life and other writings, visit his author website.
Gill Garratt
Gill Garratt is a Senior Accredited R.E.B.T. Practitioner, holds an MA in Psychology from The University of London and an MA in Professional Writing from Falmouth University. Gill has 20 years experience as a psychotherapist and practises in Cornwall. She has written Introducing CBT for Work. For more about Gill’s work, see her website.
Jules Evans
Jules Evans is passionate about how people use ancient Greek and Roman philosophies today, as well as the links between Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Stoic philosophy. You can read more in his book Philosophy for Life and Other Dangerous Situations. He is policy director for the Centre of the History of Emotions at Queen Mary, London. He has developed a course of practical philosophy for Low Moss Prison and Saracens rugby club. For more of Jules’ work, see his blog, Philosophy for Life.
Patrick Ussher
Patrick Ussher is a composer of music in a contemporary classical style. His music is part of the Artlist catalogue and can also be listened to on Spotify.
He is also the author of Stoicism & Western Buddhism: A Reflection on Two Philosophical Ways of Life as well as two books on health: POTS: What It Really Is & Why It Happens and, more recently, The Myth of Primary Polydipsia: Why Hypovolemic Dehydration Can Explain the Real Physiological Basis of So-Called Psychogenic Water Drinking.
While a Classics PhD student, he was one of the founding members of the Modern Stoicism project. As part of that project, he started and ran the project’s blog from 2012 to 2016 and he also edited two books: Stoicism Today: Selected Writings, Volumes 1 & 2.
In 2018, he worked with Columba Press on a new edition of a book by his late mother, Mary Redmond-Ussher, on coping with breast cancer under the title Following the Pink Ribbon Path. Patrick has a BA and MA in Classics (Ancient Greek & Latin) from the University of Exeter, UK. His website is: www.patrickussher.com