This year, at Stoicon 2018 in London (organized by John Sellars, assisted by Amy Valladres) , we again hosted over 300 participants and fielded a number of talks and workshops! In the weeks following, quite a few people wrote about their experiences at the conference, the conversations they had, the talks or workshops they attended, and what they learned.
Since Stoicon is one of the main events planned and put on every year by the Modern Stoicism organization, I thought what these participants had to say would likely be of interest to our readership, particularly those who could not attend the conference.
Below is a list of the longer pieces about Stoicon 2018 out there at present. Several are in other languages, but if you can’t read those, there’s always the translate function in your browser, or Google Translate!
Retour sur la Stoicon 2018 à Londres by “Zenon” (in French). This is a quite detailed, very thorough, in-depth overview of each portion of the conference, from the first session to the plenary address. A host of excellent photos as well. In my view, if you read only one piece on the conference, this is the one to select.
Londyński zlot stoików by Piotr Stankiewicz (in Polish). I don’t read Polish (unfortunately), but I do know Piotr, so I had a strong sense it was going to be good. When I was able to read this piece in translation, that was the case. A good discussion of the plurality of modern Stoicism
What the Hell is Stoicon? by the author of “The Will To Freedom” blog. Another excellent overview of the event, along with some background and a discussion about travel as well.
So far, I haven’t seen any other longer pieces discussing the conference. If I’ve missed any, by all means, send them my way, and I’ll read them, then add them to this listing of recommended posts.