Stoicism Behind Bars: What Prison Life Can Teach Us About The Good Life

​About our Presenter

​Bob Robinson (PhD, Philosophy, Purdue University) had an unexpected career turn when he was invited to teach philosophy to maximum security inmates at the Penitentiary of New Mexico. Lured by the challenge of making philosophy practical, he taught philosophy, ethics, and Stoicism for six years in the men’s and women’s prisons of New Mexico, learned crisis negotiations, provided the department research on best practices, and managed programs and opportunities throughout the state to increase post-release success. In the Honors College, he teaches the course Prison & the Good Life, which seeks to learn about human nature from the confrontation of incarcerated people with the choices that led them to prison. Tying together the psychology of decision-making and happiness, Stoicism, correctional research and practice, and his own conversations with incarcerated people, Prison and the Good Life provides students with simple and practical wisdom for living well while building their understanding of prisons and prison culture.

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​The events are lively, engaging opportunities to collaborate with others as you pursue your journey into philosophical Stoicism.

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