Announcing Stoicism Today Volume 3!

We are happy to announce the publication of volume 3 in the Stoicism Today series!  This has been a project a long time in the planning and execution, and at long last we have this new volume to offer to the public. (We also have some work done on the next volume as well!)

Here is the cover for Stoicism Today volume 3, a beautiful design by Rocio De Torres Artillo (whose website you can see here)

We at the Stoicism Today blog, and in the larger Modern Stoicism team, have long wished to follow up the two earlier volumes published by the first author of the blog, Patrick Ussher.  Given the many other matters Modern Stoicism engages in – Stoicon and Stoicon-Xs, Stoic Week and other online classes, the Stoicism Today blog (just to name a few) – carving out the time needed for this project. . .  well, it took a bit of time!

This volume brings together 37 pieces originally published in the Stoicism Today blog, with some of them expanded and revised. They range from scholarly presentations on technical topics to meditations on Stoicism in day-to-day life, from advice and experiences to controversies about ancient and modern Stoicism.

All of the profits from sales of Stoicism Today volume 3 go directly to the Modern Stoicism organization, and will be used for supporting the ongoing work of the not-for-profit organization.  I would also like to note that the many hours of work Leah Goldrick and I put in bringing this volume all the way to publication in the present, as well as other associated costs, were underwritten by the generosity of a patron of philosophy, who wishes to remain anonymous.

At this point, you are likely asking: Where can I get this new book?

  • The paperback is available for purchase at Amazon, right here. It lists for $14.99.
  • The Kindle version right now is available for pre-order (coming out December 18), right here. It lists for $4.99.

When you go to the Amazon page, you can use the “see more” to check out the Table of Contents

You’ll likely be seeing a lot more about Stoicism today volume 3 in the months to come. At this point, as the co-editor of the volume, and editor of this blog, I have just three further things to say:

The first is that we plan to keep up the series, republishing selected posts from the Stoicism Today blog. Now that we have the processes down, our hopes are to have volume 4 out sometime around June 2022.

The second is that as a co-editor, I had the opportunity to hold one of the pre-publication proofs in my hands earlier this week. It’s got a good “feel”, and it’s quite something to actually see it in front of you in black, white (and blue).

The third is that none of this would have been possible without the tireless and timely work put in by my co-editor, Leah Goldrick. Her name is deservedly listed first on the volume cover because she did the lion’s share of the work this volume required. I count myself fortunate to have her as a colleague. If you’d like to see her blog, Common Sense Ethics, click here. And if you’d like to see her professional page, click here.

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