Meet Our New Modern Stoicism Team Members

Over the last several years, we have expanded the team for the Modern Stoicism organization by bringing on new members. Each of them brings not only interest in and enthusiasm about Stoic philosophy, practice, and community with them, but also valuable skills, knowledge, and experiences. All of them have been making substantive and welcome contributions in a variety of manners, in some cases behind the scenes. Our expanded team now has 14 members, which not only spreads the work around, but also allows us room and range to take on additional projects devoted to helping people study and practice Stoicism worldwide.

After writing the post two weeks back announcing that Harald Kavli was coming on as Assistant Editor of Stoicism Today, I realized that we could probably use a post telling you, our readers, about all of the new team members we have added over the last several years (and that our About The Team page was sorely in need of updating as well!). This long-overdue update takes us back all the way to Piotr and Andi, who have been contributing members of the team for several years. More recently Phil, Eve, and Brittany joined the team as well, and the most recent addition is indeed Harald.

I asked each of them to provide a short introduction of themselves to you, and with no further ado, here they are!

Eve Riches

I’m so excited to be a part of the Modern Stoicism team and I am convinced that Stoicism can help anyone to live the good life. I’m passionate about bringing Stoicism to people who might never pick up a philosophy book, including children, teenagers and people from a non-academic background. Stoicism has given me so much in terms of helping me live well with disability, so it has been a real honour to be able to share that experience with others. I’m particularly interested in Stoic ethics, and also the importance of self-care in our contribution to the greater good.

Brittany Polat

I am thrilled and honored to be joining the Modern Stoicism team, which continues to be so instrumental in bringing Stoicism to people all over the world. As Stoics, we can offer a different vision of life that is rare in the 21st century: a principled but non-strident way of dealing with the complex problems facing our society. Just as ancient Stoicism once did, modern Stoicism provides an intellectually rigorous framework for answering our most important questions, not just theoretically, but practically. Stoics lead the way in showing that a life of reason and virtue can also be a life of action and engagement. What a privilege it is to continue the noble tradition of Zeno, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius as we shape and share Stoicism for a new era. I look forward to working with Modern Stoicism and with modern Stoics everywhere, who are making the world a better place in their own inspiring ways.  

Talking Tranquility with Brittany Polat

Phil Yanov

Hi, I’m Phil Yanov and I’m here to help people run great meetings. And – I’m a Stoic. I love events where people can learn things and make the changes in their lives that they want. I feel like Modern Stoicism has the unfair advantage of having some of the best minds of our generation working to advance the understanding of how Stoicism can help all of us through uncertain times. I am delighted to be the bat boy… or Zoom boy for these heavy hitters. There are so many brilliant people on the Modern Stoicism team and my job is to make sure the megaphone is working when they are ready to share. For that adventure, I am all in. If you want to talk about Stoicism, I can be reached on Twitter, LinkedIn, or on the web.

Andi Sciacca

I like to think of myself as an advocate for access, education, and equity – and a proud #MKEpreneur.  I am most fulfilled when I can help others leverage learning opportunities in ways that help them connect and flourish.  As a person who does a great deal of work in leadership and board positions, I find that there are plenty of opportunities to practice Stoicism in my work.  The most important aspect for me is found in the constancy and the solidness of regular study coupled with the application of what I am learning through that practice.  Whether I’m reading Marcus Aurelius, or Epictetus, or reviewing a comment from someone in an online course, or a post on Stoicism Today written by someone applying Stoicism to their lives – whatever the source, there is an undercurrent of substance that steadies me.  I’ve found exceptional value in the study of Stoicism and the ways in which it has helped me understand the pursuit of a good life and the willingness to accept what that life brings. 

Piotr Stankiewicz

My journey with the Stoics began in 2006 when I first realized that Stoicism is the platform I may use to put my life on track. Over time it turned out that many folks out there are interested in my Stoic adventures. Hence a number of books followed, first in my native Polish then in English (see here). At the end of the day the best way to strengthen one’s Stoicism is to discuss it with others — so here I am. Somewhere on that path it dawned on me that the ideas I develop and preach differ quite a bit from the hardline, orthodox Stoicism. I embraced that notion and thus the concept of reformed Stoicism originated. I believe that in the 21st century, in the time of unfathomable advancement and colossal challenges, we need a new way to narrate the Stoic premises and promises. That’s exactly what I propose. Besides Stoicism I write books on other topics and I keep testing yet new waters. I believe that in doing so I stay faithful to what I wrote in the book on Stoicism and creativity, i.e. that the two don’t need to contradict each other. Shoot me an email any time — my contact info is all here.

Harald Kavli

Hello! Many of you got introduced to me in a post just a little while ago. I am currently trying to finish my master’s thesis, in which I try to answer whether virtue is sufficient for happiness. My main interest in Stoicism is probably ethics, but I am also getting more and more interested in their logic. I have also studied Ancient Greek and my long-term goal is to translate Epictetus’ Discourses at some point. 

So, please welcome all of the new and newer members of the Modern Stoicism organization team! You’ll be seeing quite a lot of them and the fruits of their involvements in the years to come.

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2 thoughts on Meet Our New Modern Stoicism Team Members

  1. Steven Karafit says:

    Thank you all for your hard work!

  2. As someone on the modern stoic path, I am enjoying your articles. I just recently discovered y’all and appreciate your work. And as a professor of art at Florida state, I’d be happy to assist with graphics or animations if ever needed.
    Best regards to your team,

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