Odes for Aurelius Competition (And Several Limericks)

The Modern Stoicism organization extends an invitation to our readers to write and submit an original short written piece to mark  the 1900th birthday of Marcus Aurelius, coming up on 26th April 2021.

Entries must be 250  words or less (including the title), and can be in the form of prose or poetry (for example, haikus or limericks would be welcome).  They must be focused in some way on Marcus Aurelius

Creativity and humour are encouraged in the entries. As examples, one’s entry could be a verse “to the tune of …,” or a piece written in the style of a well-known writer, or even written as an obituary. In writing your piece,please bear in mind that Marcus was a middle-aged man doing his best to be a good person given difficult circumstances, rather than the perfect Stoic sage.

All of the entries submitted will be judged by a panel selected by the Modern Stoicism organization. Modern Stoicism will publish the winner and other selected entries on the Stoicism Today blog. In applying for the contest, entrants grant Modern Stoicism a non-exclusive right to disseminate their work via the Modern Stoicism website and other media. 

There will be a book prize for winner(s). Winners will be notified by email. No correspondence will be entered into regarding the result.

Entries should be sent only to this email address marcus1900ms@gmail.com  by the deadline of April 1st 2021. Please give your piece a title. Entries above 250 words will be  disqualified

Just to get us into the spirit of the event, here are two philosophy-centric limericks contributed by team members of the Modern Stoicism organization. The first is by Phil Yanov and the second by Tim LeBon. Enjoy!

There was an old man from Citium
whose thoughts were not exactly quotidian.
He lost a great boat,
found a philosophical quote,
and taught us to be eudamonian.

There was a young man from Samos
who wanted to be the big boss.
He founded the Garden,
was not very Spartan,
and he made the Stoics quite cross

3 thoughts on Odes for Aurelius Competition (And Several Limericks)

  1. Hannah says:

    Limericks should preferably rhyme and scan.

  2. David Goodland says:

    He was a dull’ un, Aurelius alright.
    He did not go gently
    Into that great Goodnight.
    He went stoicaly knowing
    He couldn’t come back
    But, briefly he said it
    As he left us forever
    “Do what is right
    Do what you can.”

  3. […] mark the 1900th birthday of Marcus Aurelius, Modern Stoicism ran a competition which challenged readers to write a short tribute to the great Stoic Emperor in 250 words or […]

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