Plato’s Academy Centre Inaugural Conference – Coming Up May 21

The new Plato’s Academy Centre is holding its inaugural conference virtually on May 21, 2022.  Donald Robertson, well known to our readership as one of the members of the Modern Stoicism Team, organizer and host of Stoicons past, is the president of Plato’s Academy Centre, and will be the co-host for this event. Anya Leonard, the founder and director of the Classical Wisdom website, will also be co-hosting

If you don’t already know about it, Plato’s Academy Centre is a new nonprofit, based in Greece, run by a multidisciplinary team of volunteers from around the world. Their mission is to make ancient Greek philosophy more accessible to a wider international audience and to celebrate the legacy of Plato’s Academy in Athens.  They are partnering with Orange Grove incubator, Classical Wisdom, and the Aurelius Foundation in holding this conference.

This conference will feature Stoic philosophy specifically and ancient Greek philosophy more generally.  While it is “Plato’s Academy,” it is good to keep in mind that historically, Stoicism got its start in part from that source, as the founder of Stoicism, Zeno of Citium, reportedly studied with representatives of three Socratic schools: Crates, representing the Cynics; Stilpo, representing the Megarians; of of course Polemo, the third scholarch of the Platonic Academy.  You can read more about that here.

The conference will bring together a program of world-class philosophers and renowned authors, who will share with you their knowledge and captivating insights into the most famous ancient philosophers, including effective and practical advice and strategies to help understand and manage the challenges of our uncertain and complex daily lives.

Speakers and topics for the conference include:

  • “Aristotle and the Stoics on Flourishing”, Prof. Nancy Sherman, Georgetown University; author of Stoic Wisdom: Ancient Lessons for Modern Resilience
  • Socrates as Psychotherapist”, Donald Robertson, author of How to Think Like a Roman Emperor: The Stoic Philosophy of Marcus Aurelius
  • “Plato’s Value Today”, Robin Waterfield, translator of Plato and Xenophon, author of Marcus Aurelius: Meditations, The Annotated Edition
  • “How to be an Aristotelian”, Dr. John Sellars, Royal Holloway, University of London; author of Hellenistic Philosophy and The Pocket Epicurean
  • “Plato on Facebook”, Prof. Chloe Balla, University of Crete; author of Platonic Persuasion: From Rhetoric to the Art of Politics
  • “Can Philosophers be Rulers?”, Prof. Voula Tsouna, University of California, Santa Barbara; author of Plato’s Charmides: An Interpretative Commentary

The Keynote address will be “Why Read Plato’s Republic?”, provided by Professor Angie Hobbs, of the University of Sheffield, who is the author of Plato’s Republic: A Ladybird Expert Book

Penguin Books have generously offered as a giveaway five hardback copies of  Prof. Hobbs’ beautifully-illustrated  book.  Getting your ticket will automatically result in being entered in the prize draw on 1st May for a chance to win a copy.

Payment is by donation, an amount of your choosing, and all proceeds go toward the Plato’s Academy Centre nonprofit. Recordings will be available afterwards to everyone who books tickets in advance.  To get your ticket, or to learn more, go to the Eventbrite page for the event!



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