Who is your Favourite Wise Man?
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I’m guessing that the “other” who’s getting so many votes is probably Marcus, yes? I was surprised to see him missing from the poll.
Epicurus is actually given as an example of a wise man who improves others just by his presence, by Seneca. Marcus did receive a lot of votes, although probably less then half the “other” votes. Perhaps I should have worded it differently but what I was trying to get at was which of the individuals traditionally regarded by Stoic authors as being an exceptional sage or wise man was most popular now. Marcus apparently considered himself a student of Stoicism quite far removed from someone like Zeno or Socrates. The Stoics in general typically mention the following wise or morally exceptional role models: Socrates, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Zeno, Diogenes the Cynic, Hercules and Cato the Younger. Quite an intriguing and varied short-list of heroes.
Oh, I see. That makes sense, thanks. I hope the study went well this week. I came to it late, but will participate in the spring. Much good and challenging information here. Take care.