Stoic Week – and Stoic Week for Students – Start Monday!

Stoic Week this year starts on Monday, alongside the Stoic Week for Students.  Both of them run from October 18th to October 24th.  Stoic Week for Students is something new this year, and is suitable for anyone who cares for young people, including parents, teachers and mentors. The material for that version of the Stoic Week course is aimed at those in their mid teens.

So we have two FREE courses lined up, where you can live like a Stoic for a week, learn some key ideas and practices of Stoicism, and see whether it makes a difference in your life or not (most participants find it does)

  • To enroll in the main Stoic Week – or even just to find out more –  click here.
  • To enroll in Stoic Week for Students – or find out more about that course –  click here

(Just in case you might be wondering – yes, you can enroll in both, if you choose to)

Stoic Week is an annual event organized by the Modern Stoicism organization, held after the main Stoicon conference. The Stoic Week online course offers the people who enroll the opportunity to move a bit beyond the theoretical approach, and to internalize some of the key Stoic ideas and to bring them into their own lives. It is a great way to not only read the Stoics, but also to create a daily routine based around their ideas.

It is also a research project, and information gathered from the 25 000 people who have participated in Stoic Week so far, gives us the possibility to say something about the effect of Stoicism on the wellbeing of those who have participated. The results have been consistently positivepeople do indeed benefit from the teachings of the Stoics. In 2020 our research findings showed that, on average, life satisfaction increased by 13%, flourishing by 11%, positive emotions by 11%, and negative emotions decreased by 19%. ALL IN ONE WEEK!

If you’ve taken part in Stoic Week before, it will be quite different this time as Tim LeBon and Eve Riches have made a big effort to create materials which are as accessible as possible to people from different levels of education and experience.  This year’s topic is well-being, and we have selected 7 topics that we believe will enhance the well-being of the participants.

There is also an audio version of the whole of Stoic Week for the first time, and video content for each day. Please do ‘pay it forward’ by sharing the link with friends and family, and on social media. The theme is all around wellbeing, so it’s useful for everyone, particularly at this time. The content is able to be downloaded from Teachable, and is all entirely FREE!

This year, we have also created a separate course for students, which is meant for people in between 13 and 15, but parents and teachers can adopt the material to fit those who are older or slightly younger.  The course includes selected readings, audio files and a teacher’s handbook with extra resources. The student course takes place at the same time as the main course, but the material will be available slightly earlier.

In both of these courses, you can go through the materials at your own pace, interact with other students online, ask questions and spend as much or as little time on the week as you would like.

Here are some of the things participants in previous years’ Stoic Week courses have had to say:

  • Really enjoyed Stoic Week…already missing it.
  • Thank you for organizing this event. It really helped me deal with my emotions in a healthy way, which is something I struggle with greatly.
  • I never would’ve thought that seven days could do so much, and yet here I am, slightly awed about just how much has changed for me. I am incredibly thankful.
  • Interesting, enjoyable and calming – setting aside some time each day to read & reflect is very useful.
  • I am more mindful of my feelings and thoughts as I am experiencing them. I am also more compassionate towards people who tend to irritate me
  • “Stoic Week helped me to be more focused on my priorities and produce better quality work.
  • I got a lot of value from the course and materials. I will be repeating the course for weeks to come to help cement the habits and practices and gain a greater understanding of myself
  • I feel inspired to maintain the practice of Stoicism long term.

Tim LeBon and Eve Riches have also produced some short videos about the main Stoic Week and Stoic Week for Students:

You might also find these  selected news articles about Stoic Week interesting or informative:

Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you online at Stoic Week soon!

One thought on Stoic Week – and Stoic Week for Students – Start Monday!

  1. […] still time to enrol in this free course, and this year they are offering a new program for students or those who are caring for or […]

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