Stoic Week is coming up in just a matter of days – it starts Monday, October 16 – and this year we are expecting to have even more people enrolling than in previous years! (If you haven’t already enrolled in the free online course, here is where you can do so)
Thanks to the thought, time, and labor of Donald Robertson, we have an entire set of Mp3 files of Stoic meditations and exercises that you can download, listen to, and use throughout the week. This time around, thanks to all the translation and recording work of Jerome Ravenet, we now also have these meditations and exercises available in French.
Here are the meditations and exercises, in English, read by Donald Robertson, available as MP3s
- Stoic Attitudes Meditation (No Music)
- Stoic Attitudes Meditation (with Music)
- Stoic Morning Meditation
- Stoic Evening Meditation
- Stoic Mindfulness Premeditation Exercise
- The View from Above
Here are the meditations and exercises in French, read by Jerome Ravenet, and are available as Mp4 files, hosted in YouTube
- Attitudes Stoïciennes
- Méditation Stoïcienne – Exercice du matin
- Méditation Stoïcienne – Exercice du Soir
- Méditation Stoïcienne en Pleine Présence
- Le Regard d’En Haut, Méditation Stoïcienne
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