As this post goes out today, we are gathered in Toronto for Stoicon 2017! About 400 people are expected to participate, here to listen to talks and participate in workshops delivered by fifteen speakers on all manner of things Stoic. The conference theme this year is Stoicism at Work, so quite a few of the talks and workshops focus on that aspect.
Stoicon is also a great opportunity to meet and network with people from all over the world interested in Stoicism. Representatives from a number of the member organizations of the Stoic Fellowship will be there. Many podcasters, bloggers, video producers, and other content producers who focus on Stoicism will be attending as well. I can attest, from the experience of last year’s Stoicon in New York City, that you can easily spend the entire day between the talks and workshops, on the one hand, and in conversation after conversation, on the other hand!
If you wanted to go to Stoicon, but weren’t able to, don’t worry overmuch about missing out. We have plans to videorecord all of the plenary talks, and some of the breakout sessions will be recorded as well (you know mine will – in my main YouTube channel). I’m also asking each of the presenters to contribute a guest post covering their talk or workshop, which we will publish later on in Stoicism Today.
Keep in mind as well that there are also a number of Stoicon-Xs this year, as well as a number of events all over the world during Stoic Week itself – check out the list below!
And that brings up . . . Stoic Week itself. If you haven’t already enrolled in the free online Stoic Week course, here’s the link. This is a chance to “live like a Stoic” (the original title, years back) for a week, applying Stoic practices, engaging in exercises, studying passages from Stoic texts, and having conversations with others (if you like) about each day’s activities. Even if you’ve gone through it previously, it’s a great opportunity to give your Stoicism a “tune-up” – I do it every year myself!
Stoic Week starts this Monday, October 16, and runs to the following Sunday, October 22. Check out the free course – this year’s theme is particularly timely – “Self-Renewal”.
Stoic Week Events Coming Up:
Sunday October 15, 9:30 AM – Toronto, Canada – This Stoicon-X event will take place at Room # TRS1-109 (7th floor), Ted Rogers School of Management, 55 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario. Organized by Donald Robertson. Features a number of speakers, many of whom will be giving “lightning talks” about Stoicism. Tickets and full information available here.
Monday-Friday October 16-20 (four days), 5:00 PM – Poughkeepsie, USA – Marist College will kick off Stoic Week with a talk by Brendon Boldt, followed on subsequent days by a Stoic Walk with Mr. Boldt and Prof. James Snyder, a Stoic Meditation session, and a Wrap-Up session with Mr. Boldt and Prof. Snyder, Contact Brendon Boldt for more information.
Monday October 16, 6:00 PM – New York City, USA – The Stoic School of Life will be hosting a discussion at the New York Society for Ethical Culture, “On Moral Luck”. Full details available here.
Monday October 16-20 (each day), 6:00 AM – Slippery Rock, USA – Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania will be hosting its third annual “Live Like a Stoic for a Week” morning activities This event is open to the public. Contact Dr. Andrew M. Winters for more information.
Monday October 16, 7:00 PM – Toronto, Canada – The Stoic Circle will be meeting for their inaugeral session as a guild of Stoic practitioners. They will also be kicking off Stoic Week together. Full details available here.
Tuesday October 17, 7:30 PM – Chicago, USA – The New Acropolis will be hosting a talk by Greg Sadler, “Applying Stoic Philosophy In Your Workplace: 5 Useful Practices.” Full details available here.
Tuesday October 17, 5:00 and 7:00 PM- Differdange, Luxembourg – Miami University Dolibois European Center is hosting two events on the same evening. Brian Domino will lead a discussion about Stoicism and school work, and Stoicism and Work in general. Full details available here.
Wednesday October 18, Time TBD – Edinburg, Scotland – The Scotland Stoics will be hosting a meeting, precise details TBD at this time
Wednesday October 18, 7:30 PM – Chicago, USA – New Acropolis Chicago will be hosting a second talk, by Gil Sommer, “Can We Trust Our Feelings?” Full details available here.
Thursday October 19, 6:00 PM – Milwaukee, USA – The MKE Stoic Fellowship will be hosting a Stoic Week event. It will be a facilitated discussion, led by Greg Sadler, Andi Sciacca, and Shaun Miller. Full details available here.
Friday October 20, 6:30 PM -Altamonte Springs, USA – The Orlando Stoics will be hosting a special meeting to celebrate Stoic Week, meeting at the Altamonte Drive Panera Bread. They will be discussing excerpts from contemporary Stoic literature. Full details available here.
Saturday October 21st, 2:00- San Leandro, USA – The Redwood Stoa will be hosting a Stoicon-X event at the Hayward Weekes Branch Library, Hayward, California in the John and Alice Pappas Room. Organized by James Kostecka. Admission is free for this event, and details are available here.
Saturday October 21st, 10:00 AM – London, Great Britain – This Stoicon-X event will take place at the Senate House, University of London, Malet Street, London. Features talks by a number of speakers, including founding members of Modern Stoicism. Organized by Dr. John Sellars Tickets and full information available here.
Sunday October 22, 5:00 PM – New York, USA – The New York City Stoics will be hosting a Stoic Week Wrapup at the Onassis Cultural Center. Full details available here.
Sunday October 22, 3 PM – London, Great Britain – The London Stoics will be meeting at Royal Festival Hall to discuss Book 2 of Epictetus’ Discourses and to follow up about the London Stoicon-X. Full details available here.
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