There are two big online conferences the Modern Stoicism organization is putting on this coming month of October. Kicking off the month on the 1st of October is the Courageous Paths To Flourishing conference. You can find out more or register here.
Then at the end of the month, on October 29th, we have the big annual STOICON conference – the world’s largest gathering of people interested in Stoic philosophy and practice. You can find out more about that and register for it here.
We also have STOIC WEEK coming up , running from Monday, October 24 to Sunday, October 30. You can find out more about it, and register for the free online one-week course, right here.
But that’s not all to the upcoming “Season of Stoicism”.
As many of you know from previous years, there’s also a host of STOICON-X events before and after the main STOICON. We picked that name “Stoicon-X”, by analogy to the larger TED and smaller, local TED-X conferences. Stoicon-X offers local Stoic communities a chance to put together and put on their own events, whether in-person or online, throughout the “season of Stoicism” before and after Stoicon and Stoic Week.
In previous years Stoicon-X events have been planned and held all over the world. They have included events in Alberta, Bogota, Brazil, Brisbane, Ghent, London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Milwaukee, Moscow, New England, New York, Orlando, San Francisco, San Leandro, and Toronto. There have also been topically focused Stoicon-X events as well, such as the Stoicon-X Military and Stoicon-X Women: Paths To Flourishing events held earlier this year.
Just to be clear, Stoicon-X events are not run by us at Modern Stoicism; they are run by you, the Stoic community. We don’t control them and so cannot take any liability for them, although we are happy to publicize events here on our website and via our social media channels. There are a number of Stoicon-X events planned, some of which are online and some of which are in-person. This year, these events will be taking place on three continents! You will, of course, want to make sure to check your time-zone differences for the online Stoicon-Xs.
The Stoicon-X Events Coming Up
Here are the Stoicon-X events around the world that we have been made aware of so far. If you are planning one this year, and don’t see your event listed here, you’ll want to read the information below this listing, and follow through on all of it!
Saturday, October 22- Stoicon-X Paris – In-person event running from 1:00 PM to 06:00 PM, held at Amphithéâtre Guizot, Université de la Sorbonne, featuring talks by Valéry Laurand, Juliette Dross, Maël Goarzin, Jordi Pià, and Elsa Godart Hosted by Stoa Gallica and Opium Philosophie, To register or find out more, click here.
Saturday October 29 – Stoicon-X Melbourne 2022 – In-person event running from 9:15 AM- 4:30 PM, held at the Centre for Greek Community and Culture, with Craig Challen, Brittany Polat, Chris Halliburd, and Wayne Wescott giving talks. Organized by Matthew Sharpe and Judith Stove. To register or find out more, click here.
Saturday, October 29 – Stoicon-X New England – In person “practicum” event running from 8 AM – 6 PM, consisting of 15-minute talks, followed by 30-45 minutes of discussion and exercises in small groups. Hosted by the New England Stoic Fellowship, and organized by New England Stoics. More information available here.
Saturday, November 12 – Stoicon-X Midwest – Online event, time TBD, featuring talks by Greg Sadler, Chris Fischer, Kai Whiting, Sharon Lebell, and Simon Drew. Organized by Scott Balentine. More information coming soon
Saturday, November 19 – Stoicon-X Los Angeles – In-person and online event, running from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Keynote speaker is Margaret Graver, and there is currently a call out for people interested in speaking at the event. Hosted by the Los Angeles Stoics, organized by Justin Kitchen. For more information, click here.
If You Are Planning A Stoicon-X Event
If you are planning, or even just considering organizing a local Stoicon-X event, there’s several bits of information that you’ll want to know, a few things you’ll need to do, and several people you’ll want to (sooner or later) be in touch with.
First off, there are clear guidelines and helpful advice for how to organize and put on a “Stoicon-X” event. If this is your first time putting on one of these events, you’re going to want to check out that short document (developed a few years back), and give some thought to the event you’re planning. If your local Stoic organization already has experience in putting on Stoicon-X events from previous years, you’re probably set.
Second, if you want to bill your event as a “Stoicon-X”, and use that name, you must download, fill out, and sign the licence agreement with the Modern Stoicism organization (you can get that here). You will then return that signed agreement to John Sellars (click here to email him). This is not optional, and you will want to handle that sooner than later.
Third, in order to publicize your Stoicon-X event here in Stoicism Today, once you have your event planned, and you have created a page for your event, you should contact Greg Sadler (email here) and Harald Kavli (email here), the editorial staff of Stoicism Today. Do not wait until the last minute to get in touch and provide information about your Stoicon-X (posts are written in advance in this blog).
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