@Stoicweek 2013 – How to stay in the loop?

Stoicism and ResearchStoic Week 2013 starts on 25th November.  You can register to participate by completing the online forms on the page below, where you can also download the official Handbook.  The Handbook contains basic guidance on how to live like a Stoic, and was put together by a team of academics and psychologists who specialise in the study of Stoicism.
The Stoic Week 2013 Handbook
For regular updates via social media and your mobile phone, etc., you can follow the event through one of the pages below:
Follow @Stoicweek on Twitter
We have 1,200 followers on Twitter.  You can also use the #Stoicweek hashtag.
Follow the Stoic Week Event Page on Facebook
There are 271 people who have “joined” the event via this page, and 850 people following the associated Stoicism discussion group on Facebook.
Follow the Stoic Week Event Page on Google+
We’ve just set this up but people have been joining already.  I’m guessing this will allow you to get notifications direct to your Android mobile phone, etc.
Follow the Stoicism Today blog via the University of Exeter
You can join 255 people who subscribe to this using the widget in the top-right of the WordPress blog.  You’ll get notified of the blog posts.  There are lots lined up during Stoic Week from various authors and academics on Stoicism, etc.

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