Talks at Kings College for Stoic Week 2013

Within the framework of the Stoic Week 2013, King’s College London will host two public events on Ancient Stoicism, its therapeutic applicability, and its uses in modern life.
Monday 25th Nov., 10:30-15:00
Venue: 405 Lecture Room, Department of Philosophy, Philosophy Building, King’s College London (Strand, London WC2R 2LS).
10:30-11:00: Coffee Reception
First Session
11:00-12:30 – Speaker: Dr John Sellars (Birkbeck).
12:30-13:30: Lunch Break
Second Session
13:30-15:00 – Speaker: Jules Evans (Queen Mary).
John Sellars will talk about the relationship between ancient Stoicism and modern psychotherapy, and then introduce a series of Stoic texts that describe therapeutic practices, followed by a discussion (the texts will be circulated in advance). Jules Evans will talk about how people use Stoicism today in the army and other contexts.
Free Tickets at Eventbrite:
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Thursday 28th Nov., 16:30-18:30
Venue: K3.11 Raked Lecture Theatre, King’s Building, King’s College London (Strand, London WC2R 2LS).
Speakers: Prof Christopher Gill (Exeter) and Gill Garratt
Chair: Dr Raphael Woolf (KCL)
In his talk ‘Stoic practical ethics: Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius’, Prof Christopher Gill will explore the distinctive features of two versions of Stoic practical ethics and ask what they can contribute as guides to life for us today. Gill Garratt will comment on this from a psychotherapists point of view and explore the application of this ideas to work and other situations of everyday life.
Free Tickets at Eventbrite:
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