THE STOIC is a free monthly online publication of The Stoic Gym. The Modern Stoicism organization is partnering with the Stoic Gym (and if you look at the teams for both, you’ll see some overlap in membership).
In this issue, you will find many thoughtful articles from modern Stoics on how to handle the current crisis as well as on other topics. Contributors include prominent modern Stoics such as: Donald Robertson, Sharon Lebell, Kai Whiting, Jonas Salzgeber, Ron Pies, Greg Sadler, and Chuck Chakrapani. If you’d like to check it out, or to subscribe, click here
[The cover image/also on the following page]
THE STOIC magazine, April 2020 issue contents
- GREG SADLER. A time to practice Stoic virtues
- SHARON LEBELL . A time to start doing small “sensible human things”
- FLORA BERNARD. A time to examine the way we spend our lives
- KAI WHITING. A time to turn crisis into an opportunity
- JONAS SALZGEBER. A time to evaluate the nature of what we have
- DONALD ROBERTSON. Wisdom vs. Glory
- RON PIES. The Stoic approach to ingratitude.
- CHUCK CHAKRAPANI. Being Stoic at times like these
- Be free of desires
- Natural desires and desires of opinion
Is there a link to download a pdf of this current magazine, or another way to read it?
-David Burnet
Where it says “click here”, you click. And then you’re on their page.
I have a question. What are the differences between Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy? It is my understanding that both are compatible with, and derived from Stoicism.
The stoic philosophy has kept the chatter in my head to minimum it’s become a default position to fall back to when negative thoughts show up l find myself reading anything on the topic