THE STOIC is a monthly online publication of The Stoic Gym. The Modern Stoicism organization is partnering with the Stoic Gym (and if you look at the teams for both, you’ll see some overlap in membership).
THE STOIC GYM is pleased to announce the publication of
THE STOIC magazine, December 2022 issue
Theme: Life as a festival
Chuck Chakrapani The joy of the Stoic
Meredith Kunz Life is a festival if you know how to look
Enda Harte Seeing life as a festival
Brittany Polat Learning to enjoy the festival of life
Seneca Learning to feel the joy
Greg Sadler Metal concert in the festival of life
Karen Duffy Joy to the world
Sharon Lebell The meaning of life and the meaning in life
Brandon Tumblin Having the courage to be yourself
Regular features
Stoic every day. Stoic quotes for every day of the month
Stoic fellowships around the world
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