THE STOIC is a free monthly online publication of The Stoic Gym. The Modern Stoicism organization is partnering with the Stoic Gym (and if you look at the teams for both, you’ll see a good bit of overlap in membership).
The theme of this issue is ‘Is This Stoic?’. Contributors include many prominent modern Stoics: Greg Sadler, Donald Robertson, Sharon Lebell, Kai Whiting, Meredith Kunz, Ron Pies, and Chuck Chakrapani. If you’d like to check it out, or to subscribe, click here.
THE STOIC magazine, March 2020 issue contents:
- GREG SADLER. Is this Stoic? Ask yourself three questions
- DONALD ROBERTSON. Are Thomas Jefferson’s ten rules for life Stoic?
- MEREDITH A. KUNZ. Is ignoring violence Stoic?
- KAI WHITING. Is being political Stoic?
- SHARON LEBELL. Is getting stuck on channel C Stoic?
- RON PIES. The Stoic approach to ingratitude. Part I. Izzy’s complaints
- CHUCK CHAKRAPANI. Are mindless questions Stoic?
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I would lime to join please
You’ll want to contact Chuck Chakrapani, the editor of The Stoic, then.
Please follow this link:
I don’t want to be a pain in the neck, but this link sends me to the exact same place I described in my last comment; so I’ll put the question this way, When, as a subscriber, I am on “The Stoic” home page, where and what do I click to access the articles in the magazine? Thank you.
I would love to send in content as a woman of color in America practicing stoicism unintentionally to protect myself from racism in the workplace.
You’ll want to contact Chuck Chakrapani, the editor of The Stoic, then.