More upcoming Stoicon-X events

Stoicon is over for this year, but the season of Stoicism is not over yet.

As many of you know from previous years, there’s also a host of STOICON-X events before and after the main STOICON.  We picked that name “Stoicon-X”, by analogy to the larger TED and smaller, local TED-X conferences. Stoicon-X offers local Stoic communities a chance to put together and put on their own events, whether in-person or online, throughout the “season of Stoicism” before and after Stoicon and Stoic Week.

In previous years Stoicon-X events have been planned and held all over the world. They have included events in Alberta, Bogota, Brazil, Brisbane, Ghent, London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Milwaukee, Moscow, New England, New York, Orlando, San Francisco, San Leandro, and Toronto. There have also been topically focused Stoicon-X events as well, such as the Stoicon-X Military and Stoicon-X Women: Paths To Flourishing events held earlier this year.

Just to be clear, Stoicon-X events are not run by us at Modern Stoicism; they are run by you, the Stoic community. We don’t control them and so cannot take any liability for them, although we are happy to publicize events here on our website and via our social media channels. There are a number of Stoicon-X events planned, some of which are online and some of which are in-person.  This year, these events will be taking place on three continents!  You will, of course, want to make sure to check your time-zone differences for the online Stoicon-Xs.

Here are the remaining Stoicon-X events for this year.

Stoicon-X Midwest Saturday, 12 November, 10:00 AM CST
Speakers include Scott Balentine, Greg Sadler, Chris Fisher, Kai Whiting,
Aldo Dinucci, Leonidas Konstantakos, Tony (AA) Long, William O. Stephens, Sharon Lebell and Simon Drew. More information here.

Stoicon-X Orlando, USA – Saturday, 26 November, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM  (Eastern Time) – Orlando Stoics are hosting a free online event with a set of talks and discussions about how “Stoicism teaches moderation in all aspects of life”. More information here.


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