Stoic Guidance for Troubled Times

Stoic Guidance for Troubled Times is a one-day public event being held at Queen Mary University of London.
Location: Queen Mary University of London, Arts 2 lecture theatre
Date/Time: 2-7.30pm, Saturday 22nd October, 2016
Cost: £15 including tea/coffee and evening drinks
Can the ancient Greek philosophy of Stoicism help us respond to acute political and personal problems? How does Stoicism reconcile the search for inner peace with affection, love, and social concern?
A series of talks, interviews, and question-and-answer sessions, with scope for audience participation and social breaks. One of a series of such public events at QMUL on Stoic guidance held since 2014.
The programme will include:

  • “Stoic responses to the Brexit vote or a possible Trump victory” with Tim LeBon, a psychotherapist and author of Positive Psychology.
  • Christopher Gill interviews Elena Isayev on her experiences with refugees in the West Bank and the Calais ‘jungle’.  Christopher Gill is an Emeritus Professor and author of several books on Stoicism; he has edited the Oxford World Classics Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius. Elena Isayev is an Associate Professor who works on migration, refugees and asylum in the ancient and modern world.
  • “The value of Stoic messages in dealing with training, victory and defeat”, Jules Evans talks to member of the Saracens rugby club. Jules Evans is a philosophical writer and author of Philosophy for Life and Other Dangerous Situations.
  • “Stoic approaches to resilience and love” with Donald Robertson,  psychotherapist and author of Stoicism and the Art of Happiness; he also designed a four-week course on promoting Stoic resilience.
  • “Stoic emotions – those we want to get rid of and those we want to develop” with Gabriele Galluzzo, a university lecturer and author of several books on ancient philosophy.

To book for this event go to…
Queen Mary University
Stoic Week 2016
The event forms part of ‘Stoic Week 2016’ – the fifth such event since 2012.  To follow this year’s week-long course on living a Stoic life go to…

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  1. […] see our post on the Stoic Guidance for Troubled Times event at Queen Mary University of London on 22nd […]

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