Stoic Week Begins Tomorrow!

It’s time for Stoic Week again – starting on Monday October 24, and running to Sunday, October 30!  The topic this year is “Stoicism and Well-Being”.  To enroll in the free course, click here.

Here’s a short video with members of the Modern Stoicism Team – Brittany Polat, John Sellars, Andi Sciacca, and Tim LeBon – inviting you to Stoic Week and to the free online course!

For Stoic Week we introduced a number of initiatives last year, including making the text more accessible, providing recordings for the workbook, printable flashcards to remind you what the idea is for each day, and translations in German and Spanish.

When we’ve asked people how they would like to follow up Stoic Week, the most common response is “to do it all over again!”  So if you did Stoic Week last year, now is your chance to embed some more good Stoic habits. If you have not tried it yet, why not give it a try?

The topics for each day this year are

  • Monday: Control – how to use the dichotomy of control
  • Tuesday: Emotions – managing emotions well
  • Wednesday: Character and Virtues – cultivating the cardinal virtues of wisdom, justice, self-control and courage
  • Thursday: Caring for Ourselves and Others – with the help of Hierocles, a lesser-known Roman Stoic
  • Friday: Seeing the Big Picture – taking the “View from Above” and transcending our own existence
  • Saturday: Stoic it Up! – going to the next level in embracing the Stoic value system
  • Sunday: Creating Your Stoic Toolkit – developing good Stoic habits beyond Stoic Week

Each day is enhanced by guest videos from well-known Stoics such as Chuck Chakrapani, Donald Robertson, John Sellars, Kathryn Koromilas, Brittany Polat, Chris Gill, Andi Sciacca, and Greg Sadler

We cannot 100% guarantee that doing Stoic Week will help you, but most people have told us that it is well worth the effort.  And the data we have been gathering, interpreting, and reporting on each year shows that the vast majority of people who participate in Stoic Week see consistent improvement in multiple areas of their lives!

To find out more, you can click here.  You can also go straight to the class site and enroll in the course by clicking here.

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